Year 5 2024 - 2025
Mr McCue
Welcome to Year 5
We hope that this page proves useful to you throughout the school year. This year, we look forward to teaching a well-rounded, exciting and engaging curriculum that inspires the children to 'work at being the best they can be.' Here, you will find updated information throughout the year on our curriculum and what we will be focusing on as a class each term. There are also several resources provided at the bottom of this page which are available for you to download should you wish to.
Homework for each term will be set each Monday via the software 'PurpleMash' which children can access with their own personal logins. Homework will consist of spellings, maths and a grammar task which should be completed for the following Monday. Some children will be given their own spellings to practise and the rest will be set on PurpleMash.
Class Teacher: Mr McCue (Miss Hitchen Monday afternoons)
Learning Assistant: Mrs Rignall
General information:
P.E. days are every Monday and Thursday. Please be advised that children should arrive to school in their P.E. tracksuits on these days.
Year 5 Useful websites:
Below are some useful websites that you may wish to look at for practising your English, Maths and other skills that will be useful in your learning.