Welcome to our website
It is my privilege to welcome you to St. Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School and to our school's website. I hope our website gives you a flavour school life at St. Thomas of Canterbury and that it gives you the information you need.
St. Thomas of Canterbury is a warm, welcoming, inclusive and vibrant Catholic community; we place Christ at the heart of all we do and pride ourselves on being a school family.
We seek to create a happy, friendly and supportive environment where every child can develop spiritually, academically, morally and socially., to become the person they are called to be.
It is the aim of everyone involved in our school to provide the best possible opportunities for the children in our care, so that children can contribute to the life of the school and in the world in which we live. We will help the children grow in their journey of faith with Gospel values at the heart of all we do, as our Mission Statements states:
"Growing Together in God's Love".
We believe that every child is unique, made in the image and likeness of God. We believe in the development of the whole child and provide rich and varied opportunities which allow the children to reach their full potential in all they do within the broad and balanced curriculum we offer.
Mrs Lyn Rawlinson (Headteacher)
If you require further information about our school, please contact the school office, where Mrs. Range and Mrs. McDonagh will be able to help you with your query.
Paper copies of school policies are available on request.
Miss A. HItchen is SENDCo
Our Mission Statement
Growing Together in God's Love

G - give love in all we do and say
R - rejoice in your friendship
O - open our hearts to others
W - work at being the best we can be